Liturgical Ministry

The sacristans prepare the sanctuary for all liturgical events, mostly for the weekend and daily Masses. They must be aware of all the necessary items for the Mass and set them out. Many liturgies require some detail and difference. They are trained by the priest for this liturgical ministry. For information on server as Sacristan, please contact Rev. Ron Cattany 970.535.0721

Our Hospitality Ministers have the opportunity to welcome individuals attending Mass, collect the offering, bring the gifts to the altar, tidy the church after Mass in preparation for the next celebration, and assist in depositing the offertory after each Mass. This is an extremely important, fundamental, and foremost ministry in the parish. They wear name badges to identify themselves. They help newcomers and guest to register in the parish. For information on serving as part of our Hospitality Ministry, please contact

Music Director, Laura Davis Laura, a parishioner, has been coming to Guardian Angels periodically with her grandmother since she was a child and has been a cantor here since 2016. Mead Angels Choir Parishioners of all ages are encouraged and welcome to join choir! No experience necessary. Choir is for those who love to worship the Lord, sing, and enjoy fellowship. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:00 pm. Choir performs once a month at the 9:00 am or 10:30 am Sunday Mass. If

The Alter Linens ministry assist in washing and ironing of the linens used for the weekend and daily masses, holy days of obligation and other liturgical services. This ministry is a joyful and prayerful ministry. Volunteers work primarily from home and on a schedule that accommodates their personal and work lives. For information on server as part of the Altar Linens Ministry, please contact Rev. Ron Cattany 970.535.0721

Eucharistic Ministers have the special privilege to serve at the table of our Lord. Administrating the most precious Body of Christ is a sacred duty and requires great care. Questions about serving in this ministry should be directed to Father Ron. These ministers are approved the Archdiocese and must attend a renewal class every three years. They receive a certificate of approval. This ministry is for this parish only. For information on serving as an Eucharistic Ministry, please contact Rev. Ron Cattany 970-535-0721.

The ministry of Lectors are Catholic adults over 18 who proclaim the Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Mass, Holy Days,and other special liturgical functions. A mandatory workshop is held for all readers annually. Lectors require a clear voice and a deep love of the Sacred Scripture. For information on becoming a Lector, please contact Fr. Ron Cattany

Altar Servers: Altar servers assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. Servers carry the cross at the processional, hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, and assist the priest celebrant as necessary.